Scotts Landing

Community Response (previously Civil Defence)

MERRA maintains an active Community Response Group affiliated with Auckland Council . 

The purpose of the group is to prompt residents to be ready for a natural emergency and to be prepared for 3 days without power, road access , food and water.

Fergusson House on Ridge Road is also the assembly point in any emergency.

Download the Household Emergency Plan HERE.

The Civil Response Plan is now available for residents to view and download HERE.

Scotts Landing have a neighbourhood support system where neighbours use a horn with three blasts repeatedly to attract neighbour’s attention. Should you hear three blasts on a horn, please attend urgently to assist. (See more and an order form for the horn below)

Fergusson House, Scotts Landing

Getting Through

Preparing for an emergency prior to any even occurring is the best opportunity we have to get through any event.   Please complete the attached Household Plan and ensure that every member of your household is aware of it.   Here are some ideas for you to cover in your household preparation:
POWER.  Ensure that you have alternatives to power for lighting, cooking and heating.  
– Lighting may be lanterns, torches, candles, etc.   Please ensure you have these in appropriate locations around your home and property.   You may not be able to get to some of these.   A supply of batteries will be necessary.   
– cooking may be a gas BBQ; camping gas or other cookers which will heat food and water.   Consider purchasing a gas kettle for use when there is no power.   
– Heating may be a log or open fire, but it could be as simple as having blankets, sleeping bags or emergency survival blankets on hand for every household member.   Please do not use gas cookers or heaters inside a closed space for heating as these can build up deadly gas.
WATER.   Ensure that you can access your water tanks by having a tap added to your supply pipe prior to your distribution pump.   Alternatively you may be able to collect water from your tanks by use of a siphon or bucket with a rope attached.   Test these with your household members prior to an emergency.  
TOILET.   Please review the attached leaflet about making a temporary toilet, or purchase a “bucket toilet” or make one and have a supply of plastic liner bags.  Remember that hygiene is most important in an emergency.   Ensure that you have a good supply of cleanser to last more than 3 days for your household.
NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS.  – food, clothing, First Aid, cleaning items, etc.   Please consider a “grab bag” should you need to exit your property in a hurry.   Items should be kept in a secure and accessible location.   Remember that you are providing sufficient equipment to survive unaided for 3 days at least.   Most items should be available in your household stores 
NEIGHBOURS.   Your neighbours will be your best hope of surviving a serious situation.   If you hear three horn blasts please attend to assist.   Should your house or supplies not be accessible, neighbours will be able to assist in the first instance.   

In An Emergency

First ensure that your household members are safe and also please check your neighbours.   Establish a safe place where you can stay for the next three days and collect your requirements for “Getting Through”.   If possible, please report to Fergusson House reporting station and advise any needs, injuries, resources,  etc.   Should your property not be habitable, then contact neighbours and if possible make your way to Fergusson House.

Our Resources

The MERRA CRG team have generators, BBQs, Lighting, First Aid kits, batteries, torches, radios, etc and can contact Auckland Emergency Management and other local area Police and CRG teams if required.   Fergusson house provides some basic bedding and accommodation should this be required.

Dos and Don't

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MERRA have sourced a very loud emergency horn that does not require batteries or replacement air canisters that can be used by residents to summons neighbours in the event of an emergency. Horns are $20 each or $30 for two and can be ordered by completing the form below.

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