Scotts Landing

Auckland Council is preparing shoreline adaptation plans (SAPs) across the region in partnership with mana whenua and local communities.  A plan is currently being developed for the shoreline from Snells Beach to Orewa, which includes Scotts Landing.

The purpose of the plan is to look at how to adapt Auckland Council-owned land and assets to respond to coastal hazards and climate change over the next 100 years; and to promote the preservation and restoration of the coastal environment for future generations.

The Council is currently seeking feedback to determine how local communities use the shoreline and what they value about it.  This will help to determine areas of importance to the community, understand the community values and connections to the coast, and make suitable plans to help manage the changing shorelines.

The feedback closes on Friday 31 May.  We would encourage you to go to and complete the short survey to say what you value about our shoreline.

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