Scotts Landing

Myrtle Rust has been observed recently at Scotts Landing and then confirmed through the central reporting tool for Myrtle Rust which is the iNaturalist website. There have been no other reports within our area to date.

The image below shows Myrtle Rust on leaf underside.

Myrtle Rust is a bio-security threat that threatens and could kill our native trees belonging to the Myrtle family. This includes Pohutukawa, Kanuka, Manuka, Ramarama, Rohutu, and Kaire tawake.

Fruit trees, other trees and shrubs threatened include Feijoa, Guava, Eucalyptus and *Lilly Pilly.

This neighbourhood communication is to spread publicity and to help you if you think you have spotted Mrytle Rust.

The following is information shared from Auckland Council

Report, Remove, Replace

1. Report: The first step is to have your observation confirmed through the central reporting tool for Myrtle Rust which is the iNaturalist website. The key thing is to avoid touching the plant and using your camera or mobile device to take a selection of photos to upload. We recommend a photo including the whole plant, the whole affected leaf, and a close-up of the spores or affected area of the plant. Submit these images to iNaturalist where experts will confirm whether your identification is correct.

2. Remove: Remove infected material (in the case of small infections) or whole plants if practical, while following hygiene practices recommended by Biosecurity New Zealand. This online video from Myrtle Rust in New Zealand provides step by step guidance.

3. Replace: Replant with alternatives. A list of fast growing native and non-native hedges suitable for Auckland conditions can be found here.


Additional information found at

   Arrive clean, leave clean

The forest you visit could be infected with myrtle rust without you knowing it. Before entering such areas for work or recreation, you should minimise the risk of spreading the rust by ensuring your equipment, clothing, and tools arrive clean and leave the area clean.

 Avoid removing the material on windy days

Try to remove infected material on wet days. This will reduce the risk of cloud of spores being spread to other plants.

Bury or bag

Dispose of infected plant waste by burying at the site or putting in plastic bags and taking to general waste. Do not burn infected plant waste as the spores will travel and spread to new areas with the smoke.

 Fungicide sprays

Fungicide sprays are an option for controlling myrtle rust but should be used sparingly and with caution. Remember there is no cure for myrtle rust, fungicides can only help reduce infection and spore production and needs to be used frequently to be effective.

Advice for Myrtle Rust Removal (Fungicides)

   Buy healthy plants and prune in cool weather.

Make sure myrtle plants bought for your garden are free from the symptoms of myrtle rust. Inspect the leaves and stems of plants before you buy them and avoid buying plants that have signs of disease.

We recommend avoiding heavy pruning during warm weather as this will encourage susceptible new growth. Instead, prune myrtles only in late autumn and early winter to avoid encouraging new growth during warm weather when myrtle rust spores are more likely to form.

   Monitor your plants

We recommend regular monitoring of myrtle plants for any sign of myrtle rust, particularly new, young growth, shoots, and seedlings.


*Recent reports show that “Hedges are a constant source of new growth, and lilly pilly is an incubator of myrtle rust that tosses spores everywhere.”

*Lilly Pilly is a common hedge plant, native to Australia and known also as Acmena and Monkey Apple.

To protect our gardens, neighbourhood, and environment you may wish to put your

gardeners and tree contractors on alert too.

Any further information will be posted on the community noticeboard and included in the newsletter.

Thanks to Joy, a local resident for providing this valuable information to combat Myrtle Rust.

To contact Joy for further information call 0274-815-155