Progress is being made on developing the recently acquired section of the Mahurangi East Regional Park, and a public access plan is currently being developed to provide pedestrian, cycle and future vehicle access into the park from the north. This will be achieved through a staged process over the next 3 years. Link here for more details.
To help out with this work, our local park ranger Michael Boyle is looking for additional volunteers to join with the Scandrett Tuesday morning volunteer group who will be going to Mahurangi East on the last Tuesday of each month, starting 30 April, and again on 28 May.
If you would like to assist, please email Michael on The plan is to do some tidying up jobs like ripping out old fences, clearing tracks, trapping work, weeding work, and putting in new signs. Michael intends to build a task list for volunteer-specific jobs, but anyone keen can come out and he will work to cater for their abilities and intentions for volunteering.
Later in the year work will start on the new bush tracks. An estimated 18km of tracks will be available once the park opens, including the easement access and coastal loops.
In the meantime, if you wish to visit the park, please note that access is currently only open via the coast, either walking from Martin’s Bay at low tide, or by boat. There is now a large Mahurangi East Regional Park sign on the eastern side of the park to show the access point if walking from Martin’s Bay at low tide.