Acknowledgements & Sponsorship
MERRA gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following individuals who have contributed to this website.
MERRA and the community owes John Waugh a huge and enduring vote of gratitude for developing our web site and setting the standard for content and ease of use. The stories contained on the history pages, in particular the vignettes are all John’s work and the hours of research and writing have become an invaluable historical resource.
In addition, the following have contributed either information or photography for which MERRA are very grateful.
Mark Topping
Kevin Riley
Simon Gould-Thorpe
Geoff Johnson
Marie Massey
Mrs S McLaughlin
Marie Montanjees
Warkworth Museum
Annual Picnic Sponsor – New World Warkworth
New World generously make a donation to assist us with food costs at our annual Picnic.
Predator-free sponsor
MERRA acknowledges the ongoing help, support and sponsorship of New Zealand Oyster Farm Tours in our fight to make Scotts Landing predator-free by 2023